Below are a list of the ministries & programs that need YOU:
Food Pantry
Food Pick Up and Packing: On the third Thursday of the month Volunteers are needed to unload, sort, and pack food from 11:30am-1pm.
Food Distribution: On the third Saturday of every month Volunteers are needed to pack and distribute food from 8:45am-12pm
International Garden
Saturdays from 8 am - 9:30 amĀ Responsibilities include making sure the main water is on and off, the storage area for tools and hoses are unlocked and locked again at shift end, report any safety issues and that trash is picked up and emptied if needed. No gardening experience is required.
Refugee Medical Clinic
Shop for and refill snacks as needed for nursing and medical students who are donating their time. Email Susan Correa at
Sunday Lay Ministries
Train and serve as a Lay Eucharistic Minister, Lay Reader, Usher, or Children's Church assistant. Email the Rev. Carrie Guerra at to be directed to ministry leaders.